
Nutrition adventure

From breakfast eggs to sandwich to dinner, meals structure the daily routine. We often don't think much about which foods we ingest and what happens in the body with them. A closer look at food and dietary habits raises a lot of exciting questions. Planet Schule accompanies two primary school children - Rezzan and Florian - through the day and sees the world of nutrition through their eyes. What does our food actually consist of and what happens to it in the body? Why do we have to eat at all and why does it matter to the body whether we eat a chocolate bar, a plate of spaghetti or a fried egg? For example, can you concentrate better with one food than with the other — does it therefore make a difference to the brain what we eat? We put various foods to the test. How does the respective energy balance differ for different activities and foods. And do boys need different foods than girls? Many industrial foods attract visitors with the promise that they not only taste good, but are also supposedly healthy. But what is it really about this promise? There is also an international breakfast comparison: Which is the healthiest: German, English, Italian or Turkish breakfast?

Director: Jakob Kneser

Music: Wolfram Burgtorf